samedi 7 novembre 2009

La réhabilitation des prisonniers philippins passe par la dance

Souvenez-vous de l’hommage rendu à Michael Jackson par les détenus d’une prison aux Philippines. Une vidéo qui a été visionnée par plus de 4 millions de personnes dans le monde à ce jour.
Et bien les détenus Philippins sont de retour avec plein de nouvelles chorégraphies qui devraient également faire le buzz dans les prochains jours.

Where in the world can you find “dancing inmates”? Only in the Philippines , or more specifically only in Cebu . The whole concept of discipline and dancing as methods of rehabilitation has never been in the books. It deviates and does not conform to the principles of jail management and penology. But a son of a political scion transcended from his political and landlord roots to do “the very least for his brethren" – turn dregs into human beings.

Byron Garcia – son of former Cebu Governor Pablo Garcia and brother of now Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia – could easily have pursued a comfortable corporate career being a management graduate. But he chose to be with the thugs of society, he chose to be with the dangerous men of society and he chose to be in a thankless and demeaning job where his relatives thought it was such a crazy thing to do.

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